Friday, June 14, 2019

An interview with a manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

An interview with a manager - Essay Example ii different managers tackle the same matter in two different ways, yet both can be right or wrong. Taking this into consideration, it a good deal becomes very difficult to realize how theoretical knowledge and concepts about management can be applied in virtual(a) work. In order to ensconce such conceptual problems, an interview with a manager can often prove very useful so that the management theories can be compared with the practical trends in place. This can particularly help business management students realize the issues that obstruct the practical realization of ideal management so that they may be equipped with prior knowledge of them and prepare themselves accordingly.Owing to their central role in running an organization, the need of interviewing a manager for various purposes is commonly felt. However, it is not very easy to make a manager commit to the interviewer. It is not unusual for responsible managers to be ignorant of an appointment made with an interviewer. The haphazard and interlinking nature of work explains the reason. Therefore, the interviewer should befuddle taken necessary measures on his/her own part so that the interview may be conducted with least inconvenience to both of the parties. This paper discusses the factors that need to be considered and taken care of while interviewing a manager. The information will be very useful for researchers, news reporters and representatives of other agencies who have to often seek information from the managers. In the paper, I have also discussed an interview with a manager that I personally conducted so that it may be presented as an example to refer to when required.For the interview, Ross Bannerman was selected who is the General Manager (GM) of the Bannerman Seafoods in Scotland. GM Ross Bannermans contact information was retrieved from the Bannerman Seafoods official website. A letter was telefaxed to him on the fax number mentioned in th e website, followed by a

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